Swami Purnachaitanya Secrets of Mantras and Meditation

Swami Purnachaitanya Secrets of Mantras and Meditation

22 november 2023

On Wednesday evening, November 22, 2023, Swami Purnachaitanya will be our guest in the Martinikerk in Bolsward.

Alchemy of Consciousness: Secrets of Mantras and Meditation
A unique workshop with The Dutch Monk: Swami Purnachaitanya

In this practical workshop you will experience the power of mantras and Sanskrit ‘chanting’ under the guidance of an expert of the Vedic tradition. and learn how to use it and meditation as an effective tool for more peace, energy and focus in your daily life.

Have you ever felt a little lost in life, confused about which direction to go? Or have you ever felt that you could do much more, but it hasn’t manifested yet? The ancient Vedic tradition uses mantras and meditation to bring clarity to your mind and remove obstacles in your life. In this workshop you will experience the power of mantras and learn how to use them in your personal development.

Mantras are special words and sounds that have a powerful impact on our body, mind and environment. Everything is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies and mantras are one of the most effective ways to influence the quality of our consciousness and the world around us. The true knowledge of mantras is very deep and is like the alchemy of consciousness.

During this evening you will not only learn a lot about the science of mantras, but you will also learn a powerful mantra that you can apply in your daily life. You will also experience an effortless meditation under the guidance of Swami Purnachaitanya.

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